Mitsui Chemicals’ Osaka Works Recognized as Super Accredited Business
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Tokyo: 4183; President & CEO: HASHIMOTO Osamu) today announced that its Osaka Works has been recognized as a Super Accredited Business under the Super Accredited Businesses System run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Mitsui Chemicals takes pride in this accreditation, and will continue to strive for safe and stable operations at all of its facilities in line with the company-wide policy of placing safety as the top priority.

The business environment surrounding petrochemical complexes has grown increasingly strenuous in recent years, driven by factors such as aging plants, the retirement of veteran employees and a high number of natural disasters. Against this backdrop, METI launched the Super Accredited Businesses System* in April 2017, aiming through this to recognize businesses that are taking measures to ensure a particularly high level of safety. Businesses recognized under this system are given more freedom in selecting facility inspection methods for in-house safety inspections, as well as in scheduling these inspections. This then helps contribute to international competitiveness.
“It’s a real honor to be recognized as a Super Accredited Business,” said TAKAGI Takehiko, former Executive Officer and General Manager, Osaka Works. “Working off Mitsui Chemicals’ company-wide policy to make safety the top priority, Osaka Works has improved the reliability of its equipment and the ability of employees to pilot that equipment – going about this by strengthening risk management systems relating to processes, equipment and operations, as well as by introducing advanced technologies. We have also endeavored to get better at securing and training personnel for these tasks.
“Going forward as a Super Accredited Business, we will further strengthen our risk management, as well as our use and application of advanced technologies, as we pursue even more advanced in-house safety efforts. We will also strive to serve as a model for the rest of the industry by continuing to raise the level of our in-house safety efforts and contributing to a more sustainable society.”
*See METI’s website for more information (Japanese only)
*2Left : TAKAGI Takehiko, as Former Executive Officer and General Manager, Osaka Works
Right : NAGAYAMA Masaki, as Director, Environmental&Safety Dept. Osaka Works