MCE is proactively contributing to a circular economy by joining CEFLEX
Active participation in CEFLEX since September 2018
Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH

Mitsui Chemicals Europe joined CEFLEX in September 2018 to make its contribution to a circular economy proactively.
CEFLEX is the collaborative initiative of a European consortium of companies and associations representing the entire value chain of flexible packaging.
The CEFLEX Mission is to further enhance the performance of flexible packaging in the circular economy by advancing better system design solutions identified through the collaboration of companies representing the entire value chain.
The CEFLEX Vision: By 2020 flexible packaging will have a comprehensive sustainability and circular economy roadmap for flexible packaging, including widely recognised design guidelines and a robust approach to measure, demonstrate and communicate the significant value flexible packaging adds to the circular economy.
The roadmap will address:
• resource efficiency
• waste preventions benefits
• recovery of resources
• elimination of leakage.
By 2025 there will be an established collection, sorting and reprocessing infrastructure/economy developed for post-consumer flexible packaging across Europe. This will be based on end of life technologies and processes, which deliver the best economic, technical and environmental outcome for a circular economy.
Please visit to find further information.